Bruce Oake in the Media

Scott Oake Addresses the Opioid Crisis

Bruce Oake Recovery Centre’s Scott Oake discusses the number of drugs overdoses, available treatment options, and a safe consumption site.

Capital campaign launched for Anne Oake Family Recovery Centre

The Bruce Oake Memorial Foundation has announced the launch of the capital campaign for the Anne Oake Family Recovery Centre, following the Manitoba government’s inclusion in the 2024 budget that commits to the new centre on the Victoria Hospital property

Women’s Addictions Centre Finds Home at Victoria Hospital

“Anne’s passion, kindness, and love for those suffering from addiction have led our family to this point, and knowing her memory will be alive forever through the work she was most proud of warms all of our hearts,” said Scott Oake, Anne’s widower.

Women’s only treatment centre has been given the green light

“It will happen now, largely because of the support of the provincial government,” said Scott Oake. “Clearly, Wab Kinew’s government understands the need for more treatment beds, and understands the need for a women's centre."