Philosophy and Program

Bruce Oake's substance use programs and services use person-centred care approaches that recognize each individual's choice in their path towards well-being. Substance use disorders are progressive and often fatal if untreated. The good news is that when folks choose treatment and engage in a program of long-term recovery, a healthy, happy, and productive life is not just possible, it is probable. 

Our goal is to send parents back to their children, sons back to their families, and to empower people to return to full lives of their choosing within their community.

Bruce Oake is modelled after the Fresh Start 16-week residential treatment program which is a nationally recognized award-winning Canadian program out of Calgary, Alberta. This model approaches recovery from a biopsychosocial spiritual cultural perspective and supports individualized well-being.

Med Room

Our 16-week residential treatment program of integrated care is based on a biopsychosocial spiritual cultural model. We deliver daily individual and group counselling sessions utilizing evidence-based modalities.

The core of our program is based in manualized 12-step facilitation coupled with CBT and DBT skills workshops, traditional practices and land-based teachings, mindfulness-based stress reduction and relapse prevention, psychoeducation, narrative and family systems therapies, and peer support. Our clinicians are trained and certified, ensuring provision of person-centred, culturally responsive, trauma-informed care. An individualized goal-driven treatment plan is created to meet each person where they are at.

The Bruce Oake Centre provides services and partner referrals that support individuals within the full continuum of care, from harm reduction to recovery. Bruce Oake recognizes that not everyone is on the same journey, and Bruce Oake will support a person to connect to resources whether they want to reduce their use or stop using all together. Bruce Oake recognizes that some participants may need certain medications and therapies in their journey, and referrals can be made.

All participants of the Bruce Oake Centre are there by choice and have demonstrated a desire to change their lives and stop using alcohol and other drugs. Residents coming to Bruce Oake for treatment will come from many diverse circumstances, however, our services are always voluntary.


Securing employment may be a priority for some individuals in early recovery. Bruce Oake has formalized partnerships with community employment agencies to bridge residents into opportunities post-treatment where that is their goal. Highly successful ‘employment first’ interventions across the globe have validated employment as a crucial stabilizing factor for a person’s recovery. Therefore, a key principle to the Bruce Oake program is to prioritize and support individuals to secure or retain employment.

Trauma-Informed Care

Our program approach comes from research demonstrating that many forms of trauma are associated with problematic substance use and addiction. This includes post-traumatic stress experienced by veterans and first responders, as well as current and intergenerational trauma experienced by Indigenous communities in Manitoba. Bruce Oake Centre acknowledges the significance of trauma, and fundamental to our program are interventions that support the healing journey required for sustained behaviour change and long-term recovery outcomes.